Thursday, January 26, 2012

Gray Hair and Kool-Aid Mustaches

Maybe these photos are a good reason to stay away from self-portraiture, but I had to share. Last night, after church, I noticed that I was sportin' a Kool-Aid mustache. Cherry Limeade powdered drink has helped me lay off the soda lately, but I might look a little more grown up if I'd go back to Coke Zero.

I am getting a prominent gray streak in my hair, and I am not going to color it.
(Notice a little leftover Kool-Aid mustache from last night? P.S. I got a flash diffuser for $20 but like my tissue paper better most of the time.)

I wouldn't be surprised if I doubled my gray hairs this week. The boys and I took a break from it all today and headed to Monkey Joe's. We needed to be out of the house when someone came to look at it today, and this was a great excuse for me to take a break from everyday life and just play. Here are the highlights from our trip. Hope it makes you smile. I need some smiles & think I will need to watch it a few times before going to bed tonight. Levi was sitting down but fell in the tub and swallowed a bunch of water. Adam grabbed him up and was terrified. He had such a quick reaction and screamed, "MOMMY!!" in panic as he lifted Levi up. I was right there, and Levi was fine, but I am still shaken by all those "what-ifs" that go through a mama's mind and from the chilling sound of Adam's voice at that moment. I am so proud of him for reacting in such a helpful way and for caring so deeply for his little brother.

(Song: "This Life" by MercyMe)


Leah said...

I didn't notice the Kool-Aid mustache last night if that is any consolation. :) I always get pasta mustaches that stay on forever! Sorry to hear about the bathtub scare... Moments like that just play over and over in my mind, but I know we just have to let go and be thankful to God that it turned out okay. Sounds like Adam's got Levi's back. :) I'm looking forward to seeing the pics from Monkey Joe's. We love that place!

KLM said...

I love it! I hope my children are like yours! <3

Leah said...

The video did make me smile! :) What program do you use for your videos? PS - The spike I am loving!

Anonymous said...

My favorite was Adam feeding Levi--sooooo sweet! (And sloshy!) :) And I think the grey streak looks GREAT--glad you're leaving it there. Troy has already told me I'm not allowed to cover up any of mine. So let's just go grey together!

Cyndi Murphy said...

Watched this before shutting down for the night -- going to bed with a smile in on my face and in my heart!! Love you girl--and those darling boys!

JC said...

Haha, love the kool-aid mustache! And good for Adam for thinking so quickly and doing what needed to be done for Levi! Such a great big brother :)

mommykelly said...

Hi friend! I love comments! I bet you do too;-) It's funny- I usually blame the splooshes and stains I have on my kids (when I am clearly the clumsy one). Don't think you can blame the stash on kids though. I say you rock one out tomorrow on purpose!

Laura said...

Adam is such a responsible big brother! I'm glad to read that Levi is okay. I have lots of gray hairs too, so many that I have to get my hair dyed now. Your kool aid mustache (which I couldn't see) made me laugh!

Laura said...

What quick thinking by Adam! I'm glad to read that Levi is okay. I have lots of gray hairs - so many that I need to get my hair dyed every few months. Your mustache (which I couldn't see) made me laugh!