Wednesday, August 31, 2011


A month ago, we couldn't get Levi to lay on his belly without protesting and rolling over as fast as he could. This week, he happily played on his hands and knees during his physical therapy session.

Adam has had two successful evenings of potty training. Last night he called his Grams & told her he had a surprise for her. When she asked what kind of surprise, he said, "A poo-prize!" He was bragging to one of our friends about it tonight, and he exclaimed, "It was a big ol' poop."

We are so proud of our boys!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Approaching Fast!

The Buddy Walk is almost here! We had a blast last year and hope to make this year even better. Click here to donate to our team, and click here to sign up to walk (it is only one mile- you can do it). I am ordering more "Levi's 321 Genes" shirts. They are only $10 each (plus shipping). Let me know if you'd like one! We have permission from the Levi Strauss Company to use their logo, in case you were wondering ;)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Levi's Bedroom Mini-Makeover & Much More

Adam had a doctor's appt. yesterday to have a mole checked out. It seems to be nothing to worry over, but we go back next month to make sure. Afterwards we had some special one-on-one time for lunch. I think he has really been needing it. Lately he asks to be held a lot and tells me, "I'm a baby. Carry me." There are so many times he asks me to play, & I have to say, "Let me change Levi's diaper first" or "I'll be there as soon as I lay Levi down." Even when I am playing with him, often times, Levi is on my hip. It was nice to have a day that was just for us.

Here he is drawing on the paper on the exam table.

(A Happy Monster)

Oh, yeah...Pooh came along, too.
I love that this stuffed animal has been such a favorite of his. Wes won it in one of those claw machines at a gas station when I was pregnant with Adam!

Of course, we based our meal not on the food, but on the playland! (Adam got a little mixed up on where we ate & told Wes we went to McWendy's)

Before Levi was born, Adam moved into a new room, complete with a Dr. Seuss theme. Levi got the nursery, which kept the same decor' that was originally for Adam. This week, Levi got his own personalized room makeover. And when I say personalized...

The big sign is his Buddy Walk banner. I'm hoping this sucker will hold up for many, many years! At least I know there's a great place to keep it from one year to the next!

The buckets were $1 at Target. I've been wanting a place to keep his inhalers close to his changing table but not ON his changing table. Not bad for 3 bucks!

I moved some things from other areas of the house & got some good bargains (the rug was only $21 & I only spent $12 on the window valance). I spent around $60 total.

And the cutest thing in Levi's room?
You guessed it!

I worked in Chattanooga, TN last weekend & brought my mother-in-law along. We had a great time, and the seminar was so much fun. The teachers in TN are always such sweethearts & I always seem to connect with the people there. While I was gone, Wes took the boys to a cookout with the church. In case you don't know, he is an awesome dad. He even brought the camera to the cookout and got pictures for me! I love that I can leave for a weekend and not have to give a single reminder or instruction. Don't ever ask him if he is "babysitting." He will tell you, caring for his boys is FATHERING!
Adam went down the row, hugging all his friends.
Levi enjoyed going from one person to another and was mellow all night.

Take a look at the toy we checked out from the Technology Center for Levi. It plays music when the beads touch a bar. It sounds like a music box. Very cool.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


This blog post, brought me to tears today. Why is this child valued less than others? Why isn't Down syndrome acceptable to some people? Why does someone from another country have to bring this little girl home in order for her to survive? Did you notice that this poor little girl is NINE YEARS OLD?!?!? Why?

Monday, August 15, 2011

A Wonderful Day

I love nights when all four of us are outside together. The weather was beautiful all day. When air in the 70s blows across my skin, I just want to catch it and give it a hug!

We are blessed to have a Technology Center about an hour away from us with items to check out for children with special needs. They have all kinds of adaptive equipment, special toys, high chairs, and more. I returned several items today, and brought home a few new ones. My favorite is this one...

Adam's new favorite thing is going to "the secret island" at the end of our street. He is quite imaginative.

This is Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang. He decided it needed a #3 (since he's about to turn 3), so he took one from the fridge.

She is always having problems under the hood.

Each trip to the secret island holds another special adventure.

Looking forward to see what tomorrow will bring!

Here's a video of baby brother...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy Weekend to You

We had a fun Saturday. Our local Down syndrome group had a unique meeting. A therapist that is opening a new business came to let us see what it would be like in her classes that integrate all kinds of therapy together in a fun way. Afterwards we went to lunch with Keli & family. Fun, fun, fun!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Photo Shoot

I took these in our friend's backyard last night. I wanted to get more of the boys in these outfits while they still fit. The prices for the pictures from the billboard photo shoot are just way beyond my price range. It will be less heartbreaking to not order those knowing that I have some others from the same time frame in the same outfits.

Adam LOVED this little playhouse in their yard.

Joy in the Journey
by Michael Card

There is a joy in the journey
There's a light we can love on the way
There is a wonder and wildness to life
And freedom for those who obey

And all those who seek it shall find it
A pardon for all who believe
Hope for the hopeless and sight for the blind

To all who've been born in the Spirit
And who share incarnation with Him
Who belong to eternity stranded in time
And weary of struggling with sin

Forget not the hope that's before you
And never stop counting the cost
Remember the hopelessness when you were lost

There is a joy in the journey
There's a light we can love on the way
There is a wonder and wildness to life
And freedom for those who obey

And freedom for those who obey...