Wednesday, August 31, 2011


A month ago, we couldn't get Levi to lay on his belly without protesting and rolling over as fast as he could. This week, he happily played on his hands and knees during his physical therapy session.

Adam has had two successful evenings of potty training. Last night he called his Grams & told her he had a surprise for her. When she asked what kind of surprise, he said, "A poo-prize!" He was bragging to one of our friends about it tonight, and he exclaimed, "It was a big ol' poop."

We are so proud of our boys!


Leah said...

Great job, Levi and Adam!!! :)

JC said...

Great job boys :)

Anonymous said...

I love that he said these things, and I loved that you blogged about it. You both crack me pun intended...

Laura said...

We talk a lot about poop here too:) Colin usually gives me a detailed description of what happens in the bathroom. I love that noodle Levi is using. I think Ben needs one!