Monday, September 19, 2011

Jam-Packed, Fun-Filled Family Roadtrip! Part 1

Wow! We have been BUSY! On Thursday, the boys & I went with friends to the fire station for a little field trip. From there, we left for Ohio to visit their beloved Aunt Tammi. We spent the night there, got home at 3pm Friday & then left at 5pm for another road trip!

I was invited to speak at a national conference for "The Child and Adult Food Program Sponsor's Association" this weekend. I spoke to sponsors that observe and support home-based child care providers (and some child care centers) to make sure they are feeding children healthy foods and encouraging fitness. Click here for more information about this organization. It is pretty interesting. I gave the sponsors ideas to bring to the child care exercise ideas, ways to get the kids moving, and some healthy snack ideas.

Wes & the boys came with me. We had a fantastic time. We stopped a few times along the way there and back to visit friends & family. We also had a blast in Memphis at the Peabody hotel.

Here are some pics from the fire station. Almost every time I called, "Levi!" He thought it sounded like, "Where's Levi?" and threw his hands in the air for "so big." Now I have all these pictures of him at the fire station with his hands up in the air! Ha ha ha!

Adam LOVES his Aunt Tammi. I found out last week that his adoration for her even trumps fire trucks. As we toured the station, he kept asking, "Can we go yet? Can we go to Aunt Tammi's now?" Even from the driver's seat of the fire engine!

Eli looked great in the fireman's hat!

We saw Levi's billboard on the way out of town!!

I dressed the boys in navy & khaki on Thursday. Guess what Aunt Tammi happened to be wearing when we arrived?

While we were in Ohio, I did a little decorating project for my sister-in-law. I designed and painted this for the huge wall in their dining area. They gave me a list of words they wanted included. (And yes, I'd love to take orders and do more!)

And to go on another wall, I found these huge plates, painted them white, and turned them in to something a little more her style.

I also did some black & white photos to frame and hang in the entryway.

On our way to Memphis, we spent the night in Nashville with friends from college. The next morning we watched their youngest child play soccer.

I was hoping to see another friend Saturday morning, but she was working. We made plans to see her family on our way back on Sunday, but little did we know...her son was playing soccer that morning, too! He was on the field right beside us! We bumped into him & his grandma on the playground after the game! We sent my friend a picture of us together and had a great laugh. So funny!
My new favorite shoes- they'll get a blog post of their own soon!

I love this picture of Adam's little legs. He is the cutest when he moves up a size in clothes and his jeans are a little baggy on him.

After the game & playground time, the boys napped while we drove to Jackson, TN for another special visit. I have some close friendships with the young ladies in the youth group at church (who have decided to grow up and go off to college). We surprised two of the three of them (Since Mer-Bear was driving, we had to let her in on the secret).

We met up at the Casey Jones Village for lunch and a little sight-seeing. It was great fun. I was so happy to see my girls! They mean the world to me.

Adam actually took the next photo.
This one was taken with the self-timer, and Adam was running all around playing when I set it up. The moment the shutter snapped, he got in front of us, struck a pose, then went on his merry way!

Check back tomorrow for photos and some fun stories from the rest of the trip!!


Twilson9608 said...

Beautiful pictures! I wish we could get our Vada on a billboard-- sooooooooooo cool!

The Blonde Duck said...

Popped in from SITS! It looks like a blast!

Wes said...

You forgot to mention that this was not Levi's first time in an ambulance. At least he was just a visitor this time.

Pam said...

Loved the post and your wonderful photography! Found you on SITS. (I wish you could make me some of those plates! And now I am wanting some candy!

Leah said...

Great pics as always! :) Looks like you guys had so much fun! I love the painting you did for the wall, too! Awesome job!

JC said...

Great post, looks like you guys have had a blast! I just love those pictures of Levi with his arms way up in the air, too cute. So how did it feel to see his picture on the billboard?? I almost cried seeing it, so I bet you did!! You and Adam have the EXACT same smile, I love it :)...Cant wait to hear where you found those shoes! lol

Faking Posh said...

I loooove the picture painted! You are so talented!