I tried so hard to get a good picture to post. This one ended up being the best. I couldn't get Levi to smile, and all of Adam's bumps, scratches, and bruises are what stand out to me. He loves to be outside. Unfortunately, he and the concrete are becoming best friends. They meet several times a day.
Those Crocs Adam has on are really meant for warmer weather. I found them at a consignment shop and put them in the bin of shoes under his bed. He found them and can put them on himself since Wes moved the heel strap for him. Now he has these Crocs on all the time. He even had them back on last night after I put him in his pajamas!
On my way to the computer tonight, I stopped in Levi's room to check on him. He was squirming around and grinning at the mobile on his crib. He was so quiet, I thought he was asleep.
Adam is in his big boy bed tonight. I hope he does well. He hasn't slept in it for a long time. His pack 'n' play is set up beside the bed, and he just prefers to sleep there. I'd say it feels more secure, and it is something he is used to.
Three people from First Steps came to the house today to see Levi. We saw the same service coordinator & evaluation person from the last visit, and his physical therapist came, too. The physical therapist will do an standardized test and evaluate him next Friday morning. Today we set up his individualized family goal plan. For you teachers out there, it is pretty much an IEP for a baby. They asked what our goals were for Levi's first six months, and I said I wanted to prepare him for sitting up. I kept waiting for them to tell us what other goals we should set but finally figured out that the evaluator could only write down what WE suggested and they weren't supposed to give us any ideas. Once I figured that out, I RAN with it. Wes & I said we wanted everything from Levi being able to track objects with his eyes to making cooing sounds to being prepared to crawl. We said we want an OT to see him, and went on and on. I don't even remember everything we said because Wes and I just kept thinking of things. They wrote everything down and told us we have a great plan. I felt victorious when they left. We have more power with this therapy stuff than I thought we would, and if we aren't happy with a therapist, we just ask for someone else.
It is going to cost more than I thought, but will be well worth it. I love that people will come to our house so Adam can keep his routine. I also think it will be best for Levi to have therapy at home instead of a new place he is unfamiliar with.
I need to feed Levi one more time before going to bed, and I can barely keep my eyes open right now. I hope to get some more pictures posted before the end of the week.
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