All the sudden the mood changed. Wes said she literally RAN out of the room. Going through the paperwork was hilarious b/c the nurse couldn't talk fast enough. Someone else was getting the delivery table ready, and there was a buzz of activity. I considered not having an epidural and was taking the contractions well. The nurses were amazed, but I didn't know what to think. I asked what they thought about an epidural and they just laughed and said, "Most people get them at 4 cm." I talked to Wes' mom (who was in the room with us) and decided it would be a better experience if I did get the epidural. I was getting to the point where each contraction was so strong that it was all I could take. It would pass, but I didn't think I'd handle it well once there was little or no time between contractions. Just a few more contractions after the epidural, it was time to start pushing. I pushed for about an hour. The strange thing was that my contractions didn't get closer than 5 minutes apart. Not what I expected. It was so calm and quiet and peaceful...not at all what I expected.
Levi was born at 1:22am. 6 lbs 13oz and 19 in long. He seemed quiet and calm to me. Beautiful, beautiful baby boy.
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