Monday, July 25, 2011

Nothin' Much

Not much to talk about. I almost didn't even post tonight, but here goes nothin'.

There is really nothing new going on. Levi will be 14 months old in two days. He hasn't reached any big milestones. He isn't making any real progress towards crawling, or talking, or self-feeding. But I feel at peace with all of that. He is precious and easy-going. I always enjoy being near him, and truly cannot stop kissing those sweet little cheeks of his! He makes me feel like a million bucks.

I never updated on the weaning, but he stopped nursing about a month ago and has adjusted beautifully. I miss the ease of nursing and the excuse to sit still every once in awhile, but it is also easier in many ways.

Adam is making some progress towards potty training, and is so much fun. He cracks me up saying funny things all day long.

And the two of them together...

Just precious!


JC said...

I really love that picture!! That's great Levi weaned really good, even though its hard to say goodbye to that part of his babyhood. Russell wasn't doing to much at 14 months either...I think near the end of the month he learned to do the inch worm thing on the floor. This year is going to be exciting for Levi!!

Shannon said...

Just love seeing siblings together. Their bond is worth the craziness having kids brings