At Levi's doctor's appt. we found out that his weight was the same (6 lbs 9oz) and his bilirubin went down, but still isn't low enough. I will have to supplement his feedings with a high calorie formula, and we will check his numbers again at an appt. on Monday.
The doctor also told us that the chromosome test came back. Levi does have Down's Syndrome.
We went to the hospital from the doctor's office to get an ECHO cardiogram. He said that the technician wouldn't really be able to tell us much, but that if she called in a cardiologist, that would be a bad sign. The technician was so kind and thoughtful. She said, "I'm a mom, too." She kept telling us how good things looked. We gave her permission to have a student observe, which was cool for us b/c she went into detail telling the student what she was looking for and what she saw. No cardiologist was called into the room, and the doctor called us later in the day to confirm that the technician was happy with what she saw and that everything checked out fine. A cardiologist will still have to look over the images and will touch base with our pediatrician later.
We are fine with things and want everyone else to be fine, too. No sympathies or, "I'm sorry"s needed. There is nothing to be sorry about. God has blessed us with a beautiful new baby boy that will bring us lots of laughter & love.
I just ask that everyone try not to say things to make us feel better. That is what is hardest to deal with right now. It makes me feel like people are disappointed with who he is or that we are disappointed. We aren't. Telling us that we are the right people for this to happen to is hard to hear, too. I know people mean well, but I don't want everyone to act differently than they would if we had a baby with perfect health. I remember so many people asking if we wanted a boy or a girl. That conversation usually ends with the phrase, "As long as they're healthy." I often thought, "Well, really that doesn't matter either."
Thought I'd close with the words from a bumper sticker we saw the other day..."My kid has more chromosomes that yours." ;)
Love the new pics! I am so glad that Adam is doing well as a big brother-I knew he would! Can't wait to have Levi and Adam in Kindermusik together-maybe you guys can make it to one of the Beach "Musik" Parties later in the summer (only if Wes can come, too, though-can't wait to make him dance around the room, ha ha!). Congrats!
Amy Harper
What sweet pictures! I love the one with his hand on his face... Looks like he's playing "Peek-a-Boo!" :)
The pictures are so great! I love the hand on the face one too. Have you been taking those? I love the updates and the pictures. Wish we could see him in person!
Hi April...just got on your blog! Love the pictures! What a beautiful family! You are creative!! I know how excited Bradley is to have is new little brother so I can just see Adam the same way with his new brother! Love you all so much! See you at church soon!
Great pictures April. Keep em coming!!
What a pure blessing.
I hope it is okay... I don't know if you remember Debbie Elder who was a speaker of ours. She had a student whose brother has DS and the family and Debbie's school have been very active and do great programs for DS. I wanted you to have an extra resource. The mom is Teresa. She came to mind as I read your blog. I always pray that God is in charge of my thoughts and that he provides the insight that I need, when I need it. This really felt like one of those.
Levi is so beautiful and big brother is glowing as much as mom.
Great pictures! I look forward to meeting Levi when you're ready to return to stroller fit or if you just want to get together for a play date. - Rene
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