Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Time Keeps on Slippin'...

This week we met about transitioning Levi into a Headstart preschool since this May he will turn three and will no longer be eligible for the therapy program he is currently in. I soaked up each moment with these two this week, constantly thinking about how fast this is going by.

They are growing so quickly. These little hands that used to be so weak are now opening doors all around the house, holding a toothbrush with ease, and shooting balls through miniature basketball hoops.

 This little man is sounding out words and telling jokes.
I pray each day that I use my time with them wisely and never take it for granted. I am so blessed to have them and to have a spouse that makes such a great father.

Adam Update:
We got his blood work results back, and it does seem like strep was the cause of his problems. The pediatrician wants to do more blood work in a few weeks to get a more definitive answer. Adam has has dramatically improved in all areas. His fever last week was not another bout of strep, and he is feeling better. I think it was just a short-lived cold or virus. He is going to take 6 months of antibiotics, which will give us some time to decide what to do next, knowing that if his condition returns, it is likely to be worse and may not go away. Please pray that he never has another flare-up! It was such a scary experience, and we certainly do not want him to have to deal with any of that ever again.

Enjoy the rest of your week. We've got a birthday to celebrate tomorrow. Wes turns 39!


Leah said...

It does go by too quickly! Levi will be 3, right? :) So glad that Adam is doing better! Happy early B-day to Wes!

JC said...

Can't believe Levi will be turning three soon! It sure does go by fast doesn't it. Very happy to hear that Adam is doing so much better, glad you found some answers.

Anna Theurer said...

April, it does fly by! Thank you for the update on Adam. I am praying that he can escape any more strep infections and that this antibiotic does the trick.

Becky said...

So wonderful to hear all is well. Will continue to pray though for you all. Wow! Three! As I always say, time does go by too fast!

Unknown said...

Prayers are being answered April. There is only one person who can do this...our Almighty God. With His grace, he is healing your family. I am so happy to hear Adam is doing better !! Love your blog, I check it every day to see if there are any updates. What a wonderful way to share.

Jody said...

I also have a Levi...What adorable kiddos.