Sunday, January 13, 2013

Refined by Fire

First, a few pictures to share...

This one was taken over Christmas Break. The snow kept melting and freezing as temperatures changed throughout the day. This is a piece that Adam found on one of our swings. "Look, Mom! It's a phone!"
Adam took the next picture himself. I didn't even crop it!
We got doughnuts for breakfast one morning this week. Adam made this edible arrangement.
Basketball and wrestling with Daddy is now a part of our evening routine. It seems to be everyone's favorite time of day, even mine, and all I do is sit and watch. The three of them laughing together makes my heart full of joy.
Ice cream sandwiches before our evening worship service tonight...

I am sure you wondering, so here goes...If anything, I am more concerned about Adam today. He is having a hard time completing his thoughts when speaking, and those of you that know how eloquent he is can understand why this is upsetting. I emailed the neurologist today, and he replied two minutes later telling me not to worry and that it may go away very quickly.

It is not easy seeing him like this, and the chance that this may not go away, no matter how slim, really frightens me. Statistics are not comforting to me. I'm the 1 in 800 that gives birth to a child with Down syndrome. I'm a parent of one of the rare cases of whatever Adam is dealing with. Chances and percentages give me no peace of mind.

During our Bible class this morning, we talked a little about trial by fire. 1 Peter 1:7-9 says,
     "...though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy." 

Gilt looks a lot like gold, but in a fire, it will curl and disappear. It cannot stand up to the fire. By testing it under fire, a person could tell if a gold piece was real or not. After the fire, only pure gold would be left. The process of purification can be repetitive, intense, and time-consuming. These verses tell us that even after all the work of getting a pure gold, it perishes...and gold is not anywhere near as important as our faith.

Over the last two and a half years of raising Levi, our ray of sunshine with an extra chromosome, God taught me that what I once viewed as a curse was actually a blessing. God sometimes gives me a need to depend on Him, just when I think I am doing well on my own and getting all the ducks of this life in a row. This world will pass away with all of its imperfections, and I thank Him for reminding me that life is temporary and that He matters most.

God is good, even when life isn't.


Ilisa Ailts said...

I hear you! This was a perfect post for this evening for me also :) I can imagine how terrifying this all must be for you. Not only for the 'now' but the future. What does this all mean?!

Becky said...

I cannot imagine what you are feeling. Yes, going back to God and His word for strength is sometimes the only time this world can even make sense. I am praying for you and your family. What a beautiful post to make us all think about our own challenges in life...thank you.

Leah said...

Sorry I missed your call back Saturday night. I will call you on Monday. Thank you for the sweet comment. I know you must be scared and concerned. I am scared and concerned for you. I love little Adam. He is a precious boy. Great summation of these verses. God is good and He loves us. I know He has a plan, sometimes it's just hard to understand. I am reminded of the song, "In His Time." I am still praying and I still believe. Love you, friend.

Leah said...

PS - Love these pics! Wrestling at our house is (and has been) a favorite for a long time! I just watch or otherwise I'd get hurt! ;)

Cyndi Murphy said...

Your walking by faith is bringing glory to God.

JC said...

I can't imagine what you must be feeling. Adam is in my prayers.

Laura said...

Adam has been in our prayers!!!!!

kelisha said...

This is the one time that I can't say "I know how you feel", but know that this was a beautiful and thoughtful post. Someone, somewhere is reading this and is finding comfort in your experience, honesty and perspective. Love you momma.

Anna Theurer said...

Beautiful post. . . been praying for Adam. I believe most of us all feel the same way about statistic you do, after all, like you said, we were the 1 in 800. Hang in there mama!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written, April! Just much as you love those precious boys, God loves them (and you) even more! So you can trust Him to work in the way He knows is best for your family. Love you!

Colleen Taylor said...

Our Senior Pastor who passed away from Brain Cancer said until his dying day "God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!"

I can't imagine the pain your heart feels as you struggle to understand what is going on with your boys in this life... but it sounds like God has been reminding you of His strength that we need to rely in.

I've been dealing with my own struggles lately have had been feeling very weak, but God reminded me in the sermon this Sunday that "He will keep you strong to the end so that you will be free from all blame on the day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns. God will do this, for he is faithful to do what he says, and he has invited you into partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." I Cor 1:8-9

Love you ... praying for you all, for strength, peace, and understanding from God!