Friday, May 6, 2011


This is Levi's nifty bath seat.

His OT let us borrow it. I wanted bath time to be more fun for him than just sitting in a baby seat. I would wash him in the baby seat, then hold him while he sat in the tub. He would splash and splash, but I'd have to get him out after a few minutes. It was just too hard to hold him like that. This is the perfect solution, and the boys have been having a blast splashing together.

Adam painted his first picture today. I think it is beautiful.
May is a month full of celebrations for us. Mother's Day this weekend, my birthday next weekend, and Levi's birthday the week after that! I vacuumed while the boys napped today and was pleasantly surprised when a bouquet of my favorite flowers were delivered! The card says they're from Adam & Levi, but I have a feeling Daddy had something to do with it! Have a great weekend.


Leah said...

Love these pics! :) So proud of Levi and his first tooth!

JC said...

Cute pictures! Happy Mothers Day :)

Colleen Taylor said...

that seat is awesome!! if they are available at a store or something, let me know ... Ethan finally enjoys sitting in the tub but doesn't know how to stay in his seat and stay up!! That seat would be perfect for him!