Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I did get up early & had a short (30 minute) walk/run with Gretchy (my dog). It was nice but not life-changing like I imagined. Still I plan to do it again tomorrow. Levi was up from 12:30-1 am crying b/c of a gassy tummy, and Adam woke up once or twice, too. So it was NOT the best day for me to have the alarm set for 5am! Kind of like tonight isn't the best night to be blogging at 10pm when both kiddos are asleep!

During Levi's nap, Adam & I took down holiday decorations. It was much more enjoyable for him to tear things down that help set them up!

How can this garland (that was used as wedding decor 14 years ago) still be around when it sheds like this every year and leaves so much behind?

Adam & Gretchen have a new game they love to play together. Adam gets a flashlight (or two) and they run through the house while he squeals, shining the light all around, and she barks. Today he left a flashlight on the floor (it was on in this picture, but you can see it b/c of the flash), and she picked it up and ran all around with it. Adam was hysterical. When he finally stopped laughing, he sighed and said, "That was funny."
Then he decided to try it! Thankfully, in a different spot on the flashlight!
Today while we were eating lunch, Adam looked at me and out of the blue asked, "Are you Apwul Vunon (April Vernon)?" This kid is really too much!

I tried to get pics of Levi today but something always came up. Maybe tomorrow.

1 comment :

Leah said...

Cute pics and stories about Adam and Gretchen! :)