Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

There has been a big breakthrough for Levi...He started babbling the sounds we've been waiting for!! In the past all we ever heard was "Ahhh." The speech therapist wanted us to work with the /p/, /b/, /d/, and /m/ sounds next. I thought it would never come, and every night I would wonder if I was talking to him enough. Then in the wee hours of Thursday morning, I heard it for the first time..."dadadada." Then on Friday we heard "bababa...dadada" a few different times. Now he does it off and on all through the day! Music to my ears! Go Levi!! I hope to get a video of it up soon!

I had a great trip this weekend for work and got to take Levi & Grams along. 300+ fantastic teachers were at the seminar. I always love speaking in Columbus because everyone is so friendly, and many of the attendees are "regulars" that come every time we're in town. It's like seeing old friends. I haven't been there since last year when I was very pregnant. Before the seminar started, lots of them asked, "How's your baby?" and they were so excited to see him later that day. They were standing in line to hold him during the breaks. It was a lot of fun. The seminar was a big hit, and having my awesome mother-in-law and Levi along for the ride made it not seem like work at all! If you haven't checked it out before, click here for Appelbaum Training Institute's website. Lots of cool stuff there. The online store is awesome, and ATi has been getting a lot of news coverage lately. You can watch some of it on the website. There is also an Appelbaum Training Institute page on facebook where you can ask questions and get great ideas to help with students or even with your own children at home.

I brought my camera to take pictures at the seminar but didn't remember to get it out! Here are some pics of Grams and Levi helping me set up the sales table the night before!

This was taken on Friday, when Levi got to visit his great-great Aunt Dorothy!

While we were gone, Adam & his Daddy got out the train set and had a big time together. Adam was so proud to show me everything this morning.

Before I left, Adam & I made a snowman. He was so excited about it. He directs a lot of his pretend play towards snow lately. When he wants to be covered up with a blanket, he says, "Cover me up with some snow." He also will say, "It melted" when a tower of blocks tumbles over. He puts bubbles over his toys in the tub and says they are covered up with snow, too.

Here he is looking out his bedroom window to admire the snowman. He whispered, "Night-night, Frosty" before going to bed that night! So sweet!
I couldn't find his gloves the other day, and he grinned while telling me they were in the garage. We went out there and he said, "Right here, mommy." He had stuffed them in the handles of the car & thought it was the funniest thing!

I was feeling even more worn out than usual this morning and had a sore throat. Thanks to hubby, I got lots of rest today (naps that were about 2 hours each!! Heavenly!!). I think I'll still go to bed early tonight... Adam's first trip to the dentist is tomorrow!

1 comment :

Leah said...

Great post! Levi was babbling this morning in class! :) Love the snowman, too! :) Hope you feel better soon!