Sunday, May 19, 2013

Levi the Stubborn

Levi has had a rough time recovering from getting his tonsils rough in fact he is still in the hospital. He is refusing to take a drink of anything. Partly because he is in so much pain, and partly because he choked on his medicine once, which terrified him. Leave it to us to figure out how to make a one night hospital stay into a four night adventure, and you know we have to keep it interesting...I had to work in Pittsburgh on Saturday.

Wes' mom is someone I'd sure have a hard time living without. She brought Adam up to visit Levi on Friday and drove us to Pittsburgh. I was so grateful to have that special time with her & Adam (and to have a chauffeur since I was so sleep deprived).
On the way to the hospital's toddler playroom
This morning, we took Levi down to the cafeteria for breakfast.
Levi ate quite a bit and actually took 3 sips of milk, which is a big deal since he hasn't taken a drink since immediately after the surgery Thursday morning (before he knew what hit him & the pain set in).

Drinking is his ticket out of here. He is still on an IV. We are praying his progress continues and tonight will be his last night in the hospital.

Of course, Levi still finds time to smile even in a rough time. Pray that we will have a good report to share soon...from home!


Leah said...

Should have checked this before calling! Hope he decides to drink something soon! Hugs! :)

Anonymous said...

Poor booger. Levi, too. ;) Still praying, so no doubt he will be released at just the right time. :)

Cyndi Murphy said...

I hope to hear you are home tomorrow! Love you guys. Tell Levi that Kinsley says to "get well, Evi".
love you! Cyndi

teal915 said...

Kamdyn was the same way after her T&A. She would eat anything but didn't want any fluids, Popsicles, jello, pudding, slushie, nothing. I hope he starts to drink soon, so you can get out of there.

JC said...

Hope you guys are able to bust out of there today!

Twilson9608 said...

I love that last photo of Levi, what a cheese ball.