Thursday, April 14, 2011

Brotherly Love

These brothers are so into each other lately. It is precious. Up until now, Adam was too busy in his play to be concerned with a baby. But lately, he has been hugging on Levi, talking to him, and showing him things.

In the car the other day, Levi was babbling, and Adam asked, "What are you saying, Wee-dye?" The question was followed by silence. Then I heard Adam sigh and sadly say, "Mommy, he's not telling me."

I had to make a trip to the grocery store today & had Adam in the cart and Levi strapped to me in the baby sling. At one point, people were stopped in the aisle laughing with us while Adam repeatedly kissed Levi on the cheek and Levi batted his eyelashes and giggled at his big brother.

Here he is showing Levi how to spin the toy on his walker.

Then he decided to take brother for a ride.

As you can see, it was a beautiful day. We enjoyed playing outside while Wes mowed the lawn.

I was experimenting with my camera and am disappointed that these are so blurry, but his expressions are too cute. I still had to share. We grilled hot dogs for dinner, and Adam ate two of them!


Leah said...

Sweet pics of sweet boys! :)

Unknown said...

Great pictures. Levi has changed a lot since we were together last. He always ha such a cute and lovable smile. I've been thinking about you over the last few weeks. I'm so happy to hear that he is doing better. Take care Rene

JC said...

That last picture is pretty cute! You know when I see pictures like these, of two siblings close in age interacting I sometimes feel bad for Russell...All our kids are so much older than him. Russell surprised us at the end, we were not planning on having any more kids. But I have to trust that God knew the birth order of our children, that they all came to our family at the exact point in time they were meant to.

Colleen Taylor said...

you make good kids :P

love that last picture of adam!! he's soo adorable! :) Love you!

Tracy Batchelder said...

Adam and "Wee-dye" are so adorable!