Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Levi spent some time with his Grams and Grandpa this week, so Adam and I had some "just you and me" time. I took him to "Monkey Joes" to jump and play. It was a great place, and at 10am on a weekday, we pretty much had the place to ourselves. It was only $5.30 for him to play as long as he wanted!

This place was enormous! There were 3 bouncers for toddlers and 4 that were much bigger.

Can you find him in this picture?

There was even a special area for dads!

My favorite part of the day was him spinning in circles here, saying, "This is fun!"
He was head-butting this thing over and over again and cracking up!

May I have a sucker, Mommy?

1 comment :

Leah said...

We love that place, too, April! :) Glad you two had so much fun together!