Thursday, October 7, 2010

I am already feeling guilty about something I said in my last post...about if all our work for Levi will pay off. I guess I should clarify. I know we are doing things that are beneficial for him, and we certainly won't stop. It is exciting to know that there is so much more out there for him than there was in the past. I am so excited to see where this generation of children with Down syndrome will end up. Even now, I am constantly amazed at stories about wonderful contributions people with DS are making to our world. I think Levi is going to do something big, and I know that we, as his family, will play a huge part in making that happen. The possibilities are endless. At the same time, I don't want to fool myself into thinking that he won't have delays or that he won't have the problems that are typical for someone with his condition. I just want to be hopeful yet realistic. I kind of feel like I have to throw away my realism to truly be hopeful.

The good part is that all of these accomplishments I am thinking about for Levi's future pale in comparison to what REALLY matters..."So we fix our eyes not on what is unseen but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Cor. 4:18) I wonder if Levi has an extra special blessing. I know it is not for me to say, but I wonder if his sweet little soul came with its own special pass to heaven.

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