Wednesday, August 18, 2010

11:00 pm - feed Levi
11:30 pm - go to bed
12:30 am - Levi wakes up hungry (growth spurt, I'm assuming- he's done this for a couple days now)
2:00 am - Adam wakes up & wants me to sing to him. He falls right back to sleep.
4:00 am - Levi wakes up hungry
6:00 am - time to get up- Wes is getting ready for work, Adam is awake
6:15 am - Levi wakes up to eat, the dog is spitting up, & Adam wants breakfast
7:15 am - I forget everything else that has been happening because while changing his diaper, Levi looks up at me. I talk to him for awhile & he maintains eye contact the whole time. The look on his face says, "Everything's gonna be okay, Mommy."


Leah said...

Yes, everything will be okay. God is in control! :)

Christie Brown said...

Amazing how things work out!!!

michelle said...

God knew exactly what your heart desired. You will see so much of that now with Levi. Yes, we may think it's all about our kids right now , but we are still His kids and he will give you just the encouragement you need. I KNOW THIS! He has saved me so many times on this journey. He just knows.

Unknown said...

It's been awhile since I've read your blog. Wow, Levi has grown and he is so cute! I hope that someday soon I can meet Levi. Let me know if you would like to get together for a play date or just meet for lunch. When you get some free time we would love to see you and the kids at stroller fitness. Take care - Rene

Amy said...

Love that God allows them to give us those little reminders about what's a big deal and what's not. We need them!