Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Adam's Questionable Problem-Solving Skills & Levi's Tree Trimming Escapades

Here is the transcript from my chat with Netflix customer support today:
Netflix Barbara
Hello there, my name is Barbara, who am I chatting with?
This is April Vernon. My four year old son is learning about writing and wants me to dictate a request to Netflix.
Netflix Barbara
Howdy April!
"Dear Whoever Takes Movies Away at Netflix, Will you please give Tangled and Casper the Friendly Ghost back because I want to watch them. From Adam"
Netflix Barbara
Howdy Adam! So I love all of those movies! You have great taste. Our contract has expired for those titles, but no worries, our developers are working to get them back in. So I am sure we will have them available soon ;)
Adam says, "Thank you. I love that answer."
Netflix Barbara
:) Okay Tell Adam I said have a great day! Happy Holidays !!

This morning we had a celebratory doughnut breakfast. Adam got up and went to use the bathroom in the middle of the night WITHOUT WAKING ME UP and WITHOUT FUSSING!!! This is big stuff, people. Sweet little Adam wanted to save a few of his doughnut holes for his daddy. We were eating them in the car, on the way to Levi's physical therapy session. Suddenly, I heard, "Ut-Uh! I have a pwobwem. I accidentally ate two, and now there are only two left!" He solved his problem by breaking those two doughnut holes into smaller pieces so Daddy could have more. This is just as funny to me now as it was twelve hours ago when it happened.
It was gorgeous outside yesterday, and we played in the leaves a lot. Levi did a great job climbing on the play set, and even went down the slide by himself a few times!
 A few more additions to the tree courtesy of Levi's tree trimming service.
Life is good.


Leah said...

Ha, ha! Funny stories before bed! :) Too cute!

Deborah said...

Those stories all make me smile.

Unknown said...

I love, love, love all the tree additions!

JC said...

Haha, Adam always cracks me up! Perfect solution to his doughnut hole problem, smart little guy! lol