Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

(Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of this post so you can see the video of the boys.)
I meticulously wrapped up these beads last year to keep them from getting tangled up. Levi got to them before I could get them on the tree this year. Oh well.

Levi has been adding his own decorations when we aren't looking. Here is the beautiful cardboard tube and ball from the ball pit that now adorn our tree.

Adam worked on matching upper & lower case letters yesterday. This is a great little activity I found on Pinterest. He loved it, and I am certain we will find lots of other uses for the clothespins.
I got glasses last week. I am still getting used to them but am amazed at how much better I can see! The eye doctor told me it will be only be a couple years before I need bifocals. Nice. It is starting to bother me that I'll be forty in a year and a half. Besides the glasses and my own personal barometer (AKA my right knee), I am starting to FEEL old!
I did some engagement photos last weekend. Not everyone I love has Facebook, so I apologize to those of you that have already seen them. Here are my faves.

Here's a little video of the boys rockin' around the Christmas tree.

1 comment :

Leah said...

Great pics and super sweet video!!! :)