Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I know it seems strange that an Andy Williams song is stuck in my head in October, but that is how I feel about the fall. In my opinion, it really is "the most wonderful time of the year."

My favorite thing about this October? Last weekend.
photo by Jill Meador
I got to spend the weekend with these ladies at a retreat at Camp Tejas. These are women from the church in Rosenberg, where we used to live. They invited me to speak on friendship and unity in the church. I had a wonderful time and especially enjoyed the singing. Being with old friends was great, and I made some new friends, too.

One friend I was especially excited to see was my Amy. You know those friends with whom you always pick up where you left off? Well, Amy is NOT one of those friends...because we never "leave off" in the first place! I treasure this friend like no other and really appreciated deep, Christ-centered conversation mixed with deep belly laughs and fun all weekend. We even went to a haunted house on the way to the retreat!

Camp Tejas is like nothing I've ever seen. I didn't feel like I was camping. I felt like I was inside a Southern Living magazine! Here are a few pictures from the cabins.
We stayed in the "4 Seasons" area of the campgrounds. Each cabin was named after a month of the year and decorated accordingly.
June (there were a lot of quotes about marriage around the room)
Our free time activities were very exciting!
Oh, yeah! Made it to the top!
That's me on the left. Yipes!

I had delayed flights and lost luggage and ended up getting home at 3:30 in the morning, but I came home to a wonderful surprise...
My brother-in-law and hubby transformed the shower and tub I have loathed for the past 10 years into a brand-spankin' new Jacuzzi tub! Whoo hoo! Calgon take me away!

After getting home at 3:30am, I awoke to this guy, who was ready for breakfast 2 hrs. later.
That face! He had to make that face! So hilarious!
This one was up just a few minutes later.
You know, there is one drawback to this fall. When we set our clocks back, I will be waking up around FOUR THIRTY every morning! Wow. Maybe it isn't "the most wonderful time of the year" after all!


Anna Theurer said...

That so does not look like camping--I agree, looks like a Southern Living Magazine! Fall is my favorite time of the year too :) The boys look handsome goofing off in those leaves.

Marci said...

Aww! I want a pile of leaves! Most of our trees here are still green.
Great pictures as always, and I sooo wanna go "camping" at Camp Tejas! That looks FUN!!! Is it near Rosenberg?

JC said...

I love fall pictures!! And that cabin looked amazing!! Great photos, looks like it was a lot of fun!

Leah said...

Beautiful place and lots of fun! I would like to try that out sometime! I hope you've been getting some rest these past few days! I'm just crazy about Fall, too! :) Great pics of the boys!

April Vernon said...

Marci, Camp Tejas is 2 hrs north of Houston. Check out their website:

Laura said...

What a wonderful trip! Love the new tub!

chatty94 said...

Adam would have loved the zip line and climbing wall.... Wes did GOOD while you were gone! I am sure Levi was glad to see you ....

Anonymous said...

Thank you, my sweet sister and friend! I loved the weekend with you; it just went too fast!