Sunday, June 24, 2012

Our Weekend- Block Party, Playtime, and Illness

Some Playtime Photos:
My guys making a pre-fourth of July fireworks show on the Kindle...

Adam loves playing dress up these days. This is his "Super-Adam-Gorrilla" get-up.

Block Party Fun:
Our annual block party was on Saturday. I love this event and was so sad Wes & Levi had to stay home. Levi has croup...again.

As you can see, it is a pretty big operation. This year it was a fish fry. The invitation instructed everyone to bring a side dish, or dessert, and non-alcoholic drinks. There was a a friendly welcome from the hosts and a prayer before the meal. It was so pleasant. I am grateful to live near so many friendly and thoughtful people. We have neighbors that bring the boys gifts, and people are always happy to stop and talk when we are out. It is nice to have neighbors that know what is going on in our lives and that show concern for our family.

Adam made some new friends while we were there, too.

Our Sick Guy:
Even though this little guy isn't feeling his best, he is still pretty stinkin' cute!

Here is a little video I made of Levi just before bedtime last night. You can tell he is tired because he sucks on his tongue when he gets sleepy. He has figured out how to drive the toy train. You'll hear his cough a little bit. It sounds better than it was on Thursday night and Friday.

He also can do the motions to "Oh, be Careful Little Eyes What You See" but he always wants to point at his mouth no matter what body part we are singing about. Pretty cute if you ask me.


Anonymous said...

Levi's song is just adorable. Made my night to see that!

Leah said...

Sweet, sweet! :) Hope he's feeling better today!

JC said...

Oh my goodness, that was adorable! Good job Levi :)

teal915 said...

Aww, his cough sounds rough. Poor guy. He is cute. I love the hand motions. Adorable!

Laura said...

We love summer time too. Adam is the cutest gorilla ever. And Levi, he rocked that song!