Thursday, May 3, 2012

Update on Levi's Latest Case of Croup

Yes, he got croup AGAIN! He woke up with that familiar barking cough this morning. I got him to the doctor's office before lunchtime, and he was given a dose of Decadron (an oral steroid in the form of chocolate syrup!). The idea was to get him taken care of to keep things from getting worse, and it worked!
In the waiting room at the doctor's office:

We even went out for a mother-son lunch date afterwards!
He bobbed up & down, leaning forward and back in his seat to a fun 80's mix playing through the restaurant speakers. I think "Hungry Like the Wolf" was his favorite of the day.

We ate at Cheddar's. While I enjoyed a fried chicken salad, he chowed down on some crackers and two packages of baby food. It was quite relaxing after a frenzied morning. Adam had a fun day spending time at the park with a buddy, and thankfully Ms. Addie has back-up child care arrangements for the crazy times we have at our house fairly often.

And here's a random picture of one of the random things that happens at our house. Adam likes to pretend he's Cat in the Hat with this umbrella. I'm not sure why he thought this was a good place to put it, but it sure made me laugh to find it there.
Oh, how I love these boys!


Momma Jorje said...

He is such a cutie! Talk about photogenic!

Karrie said...

You guys are just not getting a break with the whole croup thing! I hope he feels better soon ~ and hoping it doesn't get worse!

JC said...

Haha, that last picture cracks me up!! And I love Levi's hair, he looks so cute! Russell is in desperate need of a haircut and I was thinking of trying something similar to that!

Wren said...

Glad that handsome boy is feeling better!!!

lovemy3 said...

The last pic is hilarious! He is such a cutie! Hope this round of croup is long gone soon!

teal915 said...

Kamdyn had croup A LOT as a baby. It has gotten better as she got older. We were given a nebulizer, and during the winter, she gets a treatment every night, whether she's sick or not. That helps too.

Laura said...

It makes me sad to read that Levi is under the weather again. But he is totally rocking the hair!