Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Children are a Heritage from the Lord

I wanted to share this video I had the pleasure of putting together for our Mother's Day worship service. Each year, the babies that have been born since last Mother's Day are presented with Bibles in front of the congregation. This year, my friend wanted to add to the presentation and make it more meaningful. She is the narrator in the video. I love that she had such a great idea. I love that I was able to help.

As I watch, I can't help but think of the Mother's Day services I experienced the years we were trying to have children yet could not . I cried through a few of them and remember feeling so inadequate. On Mother's Day every year, I am very conscious of the women that are longing to be mothers and how they must feel while so many others celebrate what they are missing.

I haven't posted in awhile because I was hoping to make sense of my thoughts, but I really can't, so I'll just let you in my head for a minute..."Did I read enough to Levi today? Is he ready to learn colors yet? Is it okay to let him scoot on his bottom like he does? Is that going to hurt his fine motor skills? Does the physical therapist think I'm a bad mom? What other signs should we be working on? Isn't another eye exam around the corner for him? Is therapy really helping? I've been letting him get around and explore like Adam did, but is that enough? Is Adam getting enough of me? Should he go to preschool? I wonder if we'll be moving this summer." I'll stop before your head explodes, but that's what it's like most of the day. *SIGH*

My blog has been on the back burner, and I am trying to be happy with that. I haven't even been reading as many blogs or commenting. What I have been doing is spending more time with my husband in the evenings and being fully engaged during the day with the children.

I had a great Mother's Day & birthday this week. I have a few scrapbook pages done and am working on a video of the boys for you. Check back soon!


Becky said...

WE all feel that way as moms. All those questions sound so familiar. That is why I am probably one of the last remaining people in my age group not yet on takes time away from my family. I blog and email...and that takes enough as it is. I say enjoy that family, blog when you is too fast and too precious.

Leah said...

I know exactly how you feel! :) It happens to all of us... Being a Christian Mom is so important to Adam and Levi. Remember I'm always here when you need a friend! Beautiful flowers by the way! :)

Laura said...

Belated happy mother's day! Your family comes first so don't feel bad if you don't comment on my blog. Just promise not to fall too far behind on updating your blog. I love reading Levi updates!