Friday, April 6, 2012

Levi Spent the Morning in the Hospital

He has been congested for a few days and started that croupy cough again last night. I gave him a breathing treatment every 4 hours and was up with him all night, praying for the wisdom to make good decisions, taking him to the porch to breathe the cold air, checking his chest for distress, and rocking, cradling, and loving with all my might. Wes took him to the ER this morning, and he is doing much, much better.

But Levi's illness is not what I want to remember about today.

I want to remember the way he giggled as he watched his mama & daddy kiss goodbye this morning, and how we did it over and over to hear that sweet raspy giggle again and again. I want to remember the way my eyes met my soul-mate's after each kiss as we laughed. I want to remember the deep gratitude I felt towards my husband I packed up the diaper bag and he calmly carted our boy off for another trip to the Emergency Room.

I want to remember watching Adam proudly fly a kite with his daddy.

I want to remember my mother-in-law dropping her plans for the day to come be with us.

I want to remember going on a walk with Adam and filling his Easter basket with these.
I fondly remember spending time gathering coffee cans full of these "helicopters" with my brother and throwing them into the air, watching them happily twirl as they cascaded to the ground. It was fun introducing the magic to Adam today. Delightful...then and now.

I want to remember that I am blessed, that there is more good than bad, and that God is good.

Proverbs 17:22 "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."


Becky said...

I love your beautiful thoughts. Have a blessed Easter weekend.

Leah said...

Glad you're looking on the bright side and that Levi is feeling better! Sweet pictures! Hope to see you guys tomorrow! :)

KLM said...

made me cry! :)

Karrie said...

You have a great way of looking at things in a time of distress! I hope sweet Levi gets better soon!

JC said...

Beautiful April. I hope Levi is doing much better today, poor little guy. Happy Easter Weekend!

lovemy3 said...

Absolutely beautiful! I hope Levi is better soon!

CM said...

Beautiful post! And how is Levi? Hope he's doing better. Hugs Mama, way to have a lovely attitude throughout a tough time.

Laura said...

Oh no! I hope Levi was better for Easter.

Marci said...

Amen! :)

mommykelly said...

Hope you are all up and at 'em now!!! I totally get the staring at the kids who happen to have DS. Me too...So often happy...freaking see a light shining right out of their souls.... I swear.

Pam said...

Such a sweet post. Your children are beautiful. I had to smile at the helicopter picture, because my daughter recently took a very similar picture that I posted on my blog! (She calls them whirlybirds.) Have a wonderful week.