We played with a new friend.
We talked to ourselves in the mirror using funny faces.
We got the ball pits back out (yes, we have two of them now :)
And we played some more. The boys LOVE playing ball in the hallway. The phrase "bust a gut" comes to mind when Levi laughs during this game!
Although I can make myself look like a great mom on my blog, I will still go to bed wondering if I did enough, wishing I had prepared better meals, beating myself up about turning the TV on for Adam, and questioning if I did enough for Levi today. That doesn't even touch the "how I could have been a better wife" part of my brain.
So what did you do today? And what do you wish you had done? I'd love to hear. You'd be amazed how excited I get when comments are left here or on facebook!
Since you get so excited!.....I met Maegan who will be 20 next month :/ in Springfield, we spent an hour in Hobby Lobby and Mardel(a christian book store)Then made a quick trip to Sears and to lunch. If you are looking for a laugh, while in Hobby Lobby I took the 2 year old I babysit to the bathroom. He is still potty training and chose to sit. He didn't make sure something was the direction it should be and peed all over me! That was my day in a nut shell. Loads of fun though!
Glad you like Mo! ;) I feel the same way when I go to bed every night... I think it's pretty common. We had fun outside today, with school and games, but I always go to bed wishing I could spend more one-on-one time with the kiddos. They like that. :) If I can't come to class tomorrow evening, I'll definitely shoot for next week. We're going out of town Friday and I feel like I'm running out of time! I heard it was a blast! Kudos to you!! :)
What a fun day! I think those questions when we go to bed at night are so normal. I know when it has been a tough day with a lot of time outs and battles...I think..oh my ami mean! I love ball pits!
That is an awesome ball pit!!! Where did you find that? I would love to find myself...I mean, the girls....one of those!!! :)
Oh my gosh, cute video!! I love how Levi scoots forward on his bum!!
And every night I go to bed thinking the same things. Sometimes having as many kids as I do is tough...I am always left wondering if each child got enough one on one time, what I could have done better or more of. It's actually nice to know other Moms feel these things to, so thanks for sharing that!
The highlights of my day were hearing Connor do his first Wed. night devotional talk, and driving by our lot to find that they'd started working to level the ground for our new house! :) I also homeschooled four kids, took two for haircuts, took all to Bible class, cooked, cleaned, and went grocery shopping...and no matter what, I never go to bed feeling like I did enough. It's a mom thing. :)
That ball pit is 16 years old, given to us by some friends who's kids have grown out of it. The sides say "Hedstrom Ball Pit." Toys-R-Us has a Little Tikes inflatable ball pit but there are openings all around & all the balls fall out. I've seen some people just get a baby pool and put the balls inside (you can get the balls at Walmart & places like that). Hope this helps!
Hilarious! I've had that happen to me, too, if it makes you feel any better!
Hope you all have a nice trip! Hope you can make it to aerobics soon!
Yes, the days of battles make it even harder!
Levi started doing that scooting about a week ago. It is so cute but we are trying to get him to crawl instead! You do an amazing job with your family, and they are blessed to have you.
I can't imagine the joy you must have felt hearing Connor up there! So excited about your new house, too! Sounds like a busy day (as usual) in the Albers' home!
We have 2 ball pits too and the balls drive Jim crazy. But they are too much fun to put away! Every night I catch myself wanting to feel like a failure. Did I stimulate both Colin and Ben enough? Why didn't I clean up more? My cooking stinks! But I'm doing my best (well, most days I am:)) and that's all I can do!
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