Dearest Sleep,
You know how much I love you. You have been there for me when I needed you in the past, but now you don't seem to care anymore. I wish I could move on... Just turn away and say I didn't need you. But I can't. You mean so much to me, and I just can't live without you.
Sometimes I can force myself to trudge through the day without you near me, but I still feel an emptiness when we're apart. I know they say "It is better to have slept and lost than to have never slept at all," but that isn't always enough to comfort me.
Please come back to me.
LOL...Can I borrow this letter?!
how do you manage to stay looking so beautiful with no sleep?
So funny! Sorry though that sleep is not visiting anymore. Been there!
Love this... I know what you mean sometimes! :)
Ha ha! Of course! After I posted it, I though I should add that my boys are trying to come between us, but at night it is you I really want! LOL
You are too kind. You usually don't get to see my in my fuzzy Mickey Mouse PJ pants!
Things have really gotten better for the past few months but two nights of no sleep have made me delirious!
Of course, our little ones are SO worth the sleep deprivation, but I do miss those full nights of rest!
I joke that sleeping is my favorite hobby. Like you, I haven't had any time recently to enjoy it!
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