Monday, December 19, 2011


I know it has been awhile since I have posted anything. There have been some ups and downs (and deadlines) with work. We are in the final stages of getting Levi's waiver and Medicaid card stuff complete. I have been doing a lot of reevaluating about a lot of things, and I have been doing quite a bit of traveling. Today is my first day home since last Monday!

I am back on the blogging scene and plan to be more devoted to posting again. I have been inspired to do more digital scrapbooking after finding out that Cathy Zielske has a blog!! She was the genius behind "Simple Scrapbooks," which has been out of print for some time. I was giddy when I realized she is now sharing her stylin' scrapbook pages and fun personality through her blog.

I have completed five digital scrapbook pages since I looked around on Cathy Zielski's blog yesterday and will post all of them here while I do some catching up with you!

Last Monday, I flew to Houston to attend a holiday luncheon for work. I know, it seems strange that I live over a thousand miles from my work, but it is true! And since Levi can still fly for free...

He got to join me for my trip!

The best part about going to the Houston area, is seeing my friend Amy. We spent the night at her house Monday. She (and her awesome family) watched Levi for me during the luncheon.

Here are her wonderful kiddos with Levi.

Amy & I are hoping to be in-laws someday when this one and Adam get married!

The luncheon was a blast.

A new tradition is that the "newbies" have to sing a song for the rest of us each year. Austin did a great rendition of "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley.

I got to have dinner with a dear friend that mentored me during my first years of teaching. I didn't bring my camera with me because Levi had the biggest blowout of a diaper EVER just before I saw her. I was so thrown off that I left my camera in the rental car...and it takes a lot for this girl to forget her camera! That was one serious diaper change!!

I also was blessed with some time visiting a former student of mine while we were in the area. She was in my class when I taught seventh grade (which I haven't done in twelve years!). She now teaches special needs children and is crazy about Levi.

After my time in the Houston area, I drove down to Corpus Christi to see my family. My brother took me looking at Christmas lights in his dune buggy, which is now street-legal.

My sweet niece, KayLee cannot get enough of Levi. She is such a sweetheart.

The rest of my brother's family... I had a great time with all of them. I feel right at home with my sister-in-law, Rachel, and my niece and nephew are a joy to be around. Kamron loves playing games, and so do I.

My parents sure enjoyed this boy!

Levi & I flew back Friday and went straight to Wes's parents for an early Christmas at their house. I will share more pictures and scrapbook pages of our time together in another post. Here is the boys' favorite gift...


Laura said...

Merry Christmas to your family! I think the digital scrapbook idea is great!

JC said...

Haha, that picture of Adam pulling Levi in by the seat of his pants has me cracking up!! What a great big brother! Oh, and I miss you when you don't blog for a while...Hope life slows down a bit for you. Merry Christmas :)

Leah said...

Great pics and great fun!!! :)