Sunday, February 20, 2011

Levi, the Tow Truck Driver

Last Thursday, we played this game over and over: I would sit Levi on Adam's Elmo airplane and hold him so he could ride on it. Adam would ride his Winnie the Pooh car and pretend to get stuck somewhere. I'd push Levi over, and we'd pretend to tow Adam out to safety. Adam thought it was great fun. I'd loved hearing him yell, "Wee-dye, a widdo hep pees!" (which translates to: "Levi, a little help please!")

This was a great way to get them to interact a little more since often times they are playing with their own toys & doing their own thing. It was also great therapy for Levi as he worked to keep his balance. I held on just enough to keep him from falling and tried to get him to do most of the work to stay balanced. (It was a good workout for me, too!)

Then Adam wanted to go to the desert (something he saw on a Cat in the Hat cartoon), so we'd go over to the rug & put our feet in the sand.

Adam's pretend play is a blast to watch and be a part of. He comes up with the funniest games, like tipping over the laundry basket so it gets between us, then coming to rescue me. "I'll save you!" he says. Today he was pretending to tuck me in for bed. He'd pretend turn on the CD player & kiss me on my cheek before walking out of the room and shutting the door. Hide & seek was another fun one today.

When I asked him to carry something in from the car after church, he said, "Yeh, I'm a strong man for that." And he was calling me "Big Mama" for reasons still unknown. He is a hoot.

Levi was full of noises and giggles tonight before he went to bed. Fun stuff. I am trying to bask in the sunlight these little boys bring to me. Before I know it they will be grown.

(love that big space between his first and second toes...another extra chromosome thing)


Colleen Taylor said...

That's interesting about the Toe thing ... my toes do that as well! It's really noticeable when I walk because they really spread apart then!

Leah said...

Sweet as sugar! :)