Wes, Adam & I got home from Columbus, OH tonight around 7pm. I did a child care seminar for about 400 teachers there. I love going to Columbus because there are a lot of "regulars" that come to all of our seminars. It is fun seeing the familiar faces & everyone is excited to say hello again.
It never really feels like work when Wes & Adam get to come along. I was glad to have them with me. Adam loves running around in the ballrooms & was quite the helper today. He loves to carry things and was even putting things in the trash can for me. It amazes me how much he understands.
So, now that everyone knows we're having a boy, the next big question is, "What are you going to name him?" We have decided on Levi William. I just love the sound of it, and I think the names Adam & Levi sound good together. I am planning on painting a canvas with his name of it to go above his crib. I don't see any reason to spend the money to redo the nursery since we have everything he will need, so I am going to keep it blue and brown, but I do want to make something special that is just for Levi.
We got the bunk beds up in what will become Adam's new bedroom (formerly the guest room). I suppose our guests will have to sleep on the top bunk now! We are using the bunk beds Wes & his brother used when they were growing up. I am doing a Dr. Suess theme in that room. We went to Pottery Barn Kids while we were in Columbus, and I got the quilt I've been wanting for Adam. The best part was that it was about $60 off the original price and even less than what I could find online!
I've been feeling pretty crummy the past few days with a head cold. Not sleeping well at the hotel and getting up at 5:30 this morning didn't help. Thankfully one of the teachers in the audience today gave me a handful of cough drops. I don't think I'd have made it otherwise. Talking for about 5 hours doesn't do much for a sore throat! Anyway, I am going night night now!