Saturday, April 14, 2012

My Friday the 13th Full of Doubles

Doubles can be good. As in double rainbows and double stuf Oreos. Then there's the bad kind of doubles, like double chins. This week, I didn't just have one sick boy, I had two...double trouble. We found out Monday that Adam had bronchitis, and Levi had a double ear infection.

Then Wes & I started feeling bad. I ran a fever for about 2 days this week. It was like a double header. We got through getting the boys taken care of then it was time for game two: taking care of ourselves (kind of like the stomach flu we had last month).

All I had planned for today was to drive to Iowa for a child care training ( we go...another one of her crazy travel stories...). I ended up leaving much later than planned because I had to make a lengthy phone call about getting my wedding ring insured because, sure enough, another diamond fell out! I did a double take yesterday when I looked down and saw something missing! So this morning, I took my beloved ring to be repaired and appraised and ended up leaving much later than I planned.

I stopped for a relaxing dinner at Ruby Tuesday's around 5 pm and started reviewing my PowerPoint and notes for tomorrow. PowerPoint kept "encountering errors" and shutting down. Not a good feeling when I have 117 people to present to tomorrow! I used the GPS to find a Best Buy and was told I needed to uninstall and reinstall Microsoft Office. The problem was that my copy of Microsoft Office happened to be 8 hours away! To solve the problem, I had to double my copies of Microsoft Office by purchasing a new one!  Two hours and $191 later, I was able to get back on the road.

I am not superstitious, but I am thankful Friday the 13th doesn't come along very often! I am glad to safely be in my hotel room (and no, I'm not staying at a DoubleTree).

Have a great weekend!


JC said...

Oh man, sounds like an awful day!!! Hope you guys all start feeling better soon too!

Becky said...

That is one Friday the thirteenth...hope all is better now.

Leah said...

Lots of trouble, but hopefully many more blessings are in store! Double blessings, mind you! :) Hope you had a nice trip home and that everyone is feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Doubly glad you survived the day! :)

Unknown said...

Oh no! I am glad you survived too! You can't return computer software either can you? Darn it! Good thing there won't be any more Friday the 13ths for a while : )