Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Levi had a rough day yesterday. He seemed to have a tummy ache and was difficult to soothe for a good part of the day. He did great last night though, which I was very thankful for. Today he had his first bath and seemed to like it just fine. Right now he is enjoying his swing and trying to decide if he wants to fall asleep or not.

Adam spent the night with his Grams & Grandpa last night. I was super exhausted, and Wes had to go to Cincinnati for a principal's meeting, so my in-laws came to the rescue after lunch. Adam didn't look back on his way out the door and was ready for another adventure at their house. He was really working to put words into sentences while talking yesterday. He even said, "Scuse me please" when he wanted to squeeze past me once. He was wanting me to feed him rather than use his own spoon at breakfast and said, "Mommy, do it?" So we're going backwards on feeding and moving forward in speech. I guess I'll take what I can get!

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