Wednesday, November 11, 2015

"Don't Break the Ice" Sight Word Game

I made a change to Levi's favorite game so we can use it to work on sight words. Just use a permanent marker to add words to the ice cubes from the "Don't Break the Ice" game. I've combined two game sets so every cube is the same size. You can find the game for a few dollars on eBay or keep an eye out at garage sales. Use nail polish remover to wipe the cubes clean and write new words.


Leah said...

Great idea and so fun!! ☺️

Amy said...

Cute idea! Just pinned it! :)

Amy A :) said...

Oops, I think I just commented as someone else! Hahahahaha! Sorry, "other Amy!"

Anna Theurer said...

Brilliant idea & super cute pic of Levi