Friday, February 17, 2012


Yesterday Levi had a check-up with the ENT. I was so pleased to learn that the ear infection we found out about on Sunday is already gone. There is some fluid, but no infection. We will be back next month for a follow up, and if the fluid is gone, she will do a hearing test (just a check-up, no concerns). The doctor said his throat looks good, so his reflux medicine is working. It was a short and positive visit.

Our ENT specializes in the ear, nose, and throat issues associated with Down syndrome. As odd as it may sound, one of my favorite parts of seeing this doctor is sitting in the waiting room. I love talking to the other families there. I am magnetized to other moms who feel the magic of that extra chromosome and am uplifted by our interactions. We fawn over each others' children and share our successes with each other. The bond of living lives enchanted by Down syndrome is quite powerful. We can nod & smile without having to explain the new depth brought to our lives by the ups and downs that come our way.

Knowing that the odds were high that we'd make new friends yesterday, I brought my camera. And boy, was I glad.
(Poor Levi is still dealing with an upper respiratory infection & had just woken up from his nap. I couldn't get him to smile for the camera.)

Grams came to stay with Adam yesterday while Levi & I were gone. He ran a fever all day. When I happily noticed that she washed some clothes for us while she was here, Adam said, "Grams solves all our problems because she is good."

He woke up happy and fever-free, but the fever came back this afternoon. I have been on the nurse's hotline a couple times since he's felt bad. We'll be bringing him to the pediatrician tomorrow if his fever has not subsided.

And while these things are important to me, and I feel like they are worth sharing, it is all insignificant right now. Our friends are sitting with their 19 month old in the ICU waiting for answers about his seizures that showed up for the first time yesterday morning.

Please join me in praying for Miles.


mommykelly said...

"The bond of living lives enchanted by Down syndrome is quite powerful."
What a beautiful sentiment, well written and magical.

Anonymous said...

Miles is always in our prayers and especially now, we will be anxious to hear.
We know its hard to be at home when you feel a friend needs support but he doesn't need whatever virus that might be carried his way. cute picture

Leah said...

She is a cutie, April! :) Emma remembered to pray for Miles again last night before bed. Please keep us updated.

Becky said...

We will be praying for Miles too...

JC said...

Great picture! What an adorable little girl! Praying for Miles also, hope they find some answers and he is ok.