Monday, September 12, 2011

Looking Back

I longed and longed for a baby. Years passed, & my heart ached.

I actually found out I was four weeks pregnant a few days after my first visit with a fertility specialist. A test was done in the office a few days earlier to check my progesterone levels, and I had my uterus scraped. My ob/gyn couldn't believe that anyone could have that test done and still be pregnant. Adam, you were meant to be.

I anxiously awaited your safe arrival and carried you tenderly through a complicated pregnancy. During the multiple hospital stays & months of bed rest, I knew you were going to be alright. I knew you were meant to be.

Even at 4 weeks early, you weighed 7lbs. 12oz. You had no health issues, not even jaundice. Considering the scares we had the months before, it was remarkable to bring you home with us from the hospital and never have to see you in the NICU.

You have grown into a loving, funny, polite little boy. We love being around you. Thank you for all the smiles you bring our way every day and for filling our home with fun and laughter.

Adam at one week

First Halloween

First Christmas

At one year(photo by Ellie Humes)

At 2 years

And earlier today

“Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation.”
- C. Everett Koop


Leah said...

So glad he was meant to be! :)

JC said...

Oh my gosh, he is such a beautiful child!

Karrie said...

Happy Birthday Adam!!! My favorite is the 2 yr. picture.......sooooo precious!!!

Ilisa Ailts said...

You really have some cuties! This is an amazing story. I love your photos (little sock monkey too!)