Friday, August 5, 2011

It's Good Having Something to Look Forward to

The past 2 nights at 2 am, Levi has woken up crying. The first night it lasted 30 minutes. Last night it was about 45 minutes. He has had more gas problems lately (maybe because of drinking more from a cup & getting air bubbles? I don't know). The first night it happened, I was miserable. I didn't want to be awake and could only think of how tired I'd be the next day.

Last night, when it happened all over again (and lasted even longer), it was no biggie. I didn't think about being tired, and I didn't feel frustrated.

The difference? Last night while I carefully performed the drawn out ordeal of going from a brisk & vigorous pat, pat, pat, pat, pat to a slow and soft paaaat, paaaat, paaat to soothe him and gradually remove my hand, I was looking forward to the fun family day we had planned. I was imagining the look on Adam's face when he saw his first movie theater and the look on his daddy's face as he enjoyed his boys. It is good having something to look forward to when you are comforting an upset baby in the middle of the night.

It made me think about how, in the same way, we should be looking forward to heaven. This has been a rough summer for us with Wes's work situation (which I think is inappropriate to blog about). But you know, on the days I remember 2 Corinthians 4:18 ("So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."), I am less frustrated and more at peace at whatever the future holds. I remember that there is more to this life than what we can see and touch, and I am comforted thinking about the fact that there is something wonderful to look forward to when this life is over. It is good having something to look forward to.

Here are some pics from our wonderful family time today...
(Side note: Adam sounded a little nervous when I was explaining what a movie theater is. He didn't think he wanted to go. I showed him some pictures of movie theaters online, and he was much more comfortable with the idea. He wasn't uneasy at all when we walked in & wanted to know if the curtains would be blue like one of the pictures he saw.)

Before we left, Adam told his Pooh Bear, "I am taking you to see your movie!"

While I was getting ready, Wes put Adam in his car seat. They were going to wait in the car for me while I finished up. He told Adam to go ahead & get started on his nap & when he woke up we'd be at the theater. Wes said as soon as he strapped Adam in his seat, he quickly squeezed his eyes shut to get to sleep!!

Here he is when he woke up in the movie theater parking lot.

I think the M&Ms were Adam's favorite part! He knows his name is A-D-A-M, so he calls them A&Ms.
When the previews started, Adam wasn't crazy about the loud volume. He quickly asked, "How do we turn it down?"

Notice the words at the bottom of the screen.
Oh, this boy is growing up right before my eyes!

After the movies, we made a stop at Monkey Joe's
Not a bad place for a little off-the-cuff physical therapy.

This is Adam, asking, "Just one more time?"

And to end the night? Fun in the tub...

Signing "eat" with hands full of bubbles sure makes things interesting! He ate and ate when he got out of the tub! He hasn't signed much lately, but there was no mistaking his intent tonight.


Jenny Wooster said...

LOVE the pictures of Levi signing!

Twilson9608 said...

A first time trip to the theaters, how fun! Vada has had a lot of stomach issues lately as well. She is afraid to go poo and often holds it in-you can tell when she is doing it. Then the nights end up being long because she is so uncomfortable. So I feel your pain. I hope your little guys' belly settles down. :)

Wren said...

What a wonderfully fun day for all of you! I'm nervous about taking Landon to the movies because of how loud it is...he's not a fan of loud noises! LOVE the bathtub pictures!!!! Your boys are so cute together!!!

Leah said...

Awesome pics! So glad you captured these memories on camera! Nice thoughts about Heaven, too! :)

JC said...

Looked like a great day! I love how Adam took his pooh bear to the movie with him, lol, so cute!

Anonymous said...

I love this post and these precious pictures....Loved getting to feel like I was there w/ y'all for the night. Thank you for sharing this!