Thursday, March 10, 2011

Levi coughed so much Sunday night that Wes took him in to the doctor Monday afternoon. We were surprised to find out that he had an ear infection. The doctor was surprised that Levi didn't have RSV. Anyways, he is still his happy little self. He has his 9 mo. checkup tomorrow, which is nice since we can get some feedback on his cold & ear infection while we are there.

We had a GREAT visit with two GREAT girls and were sad to see them head back home this morning. My cousin & her friend stopped by & spent a night with us on their Spring Break road trip. They loved on our boys, and our boys loved them right back. What I loved was staying up late and having meaningful conversation with them. My cousin is someone that makes me grow just by being around her and talking to her. She is someone that will never just go through the motions in life. She has this thirst for knowing how to make life the best it can be. She thrives on growing in wisdom and being present in each moment. I just love that girl! I will never forget her tears on my wedding day (she was the flower girl). When I bent down and asked what was wrong, she said, "I just want to hold your hand." Sweetness- hu? Just like always, she wanted to soak the moment up and get all she could out of it. She is awesome!


Leah said...

Glad that you had such a great visit! Hope all went well today at Levi's check-up! :)

Sara Sabaa said...

I miss you guys so much!!! I miss Levi's awesome hugs <3 can't wait to see you all again!