Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Yesterday, on the spur of the moment, I decided to take the boys to the pumpkin patch. I didn't even call anyone to go with us b/c we just hopped in the car and went. It was sooo cold. I seriously think I would've been happier with earmuffs. It was in the 50s but the wind made it feel even colder. Adam didn't seem to mind one bit and enjoyed warming his hands in his coat pockets. I carried Levi in the Moby wrap, and pulled all the fabric up over his head...snug as a bug in a rug. He was perfectly content.
Adam picked out a little pumpkin and a gourd to take home. I also got him some candy corn. $2 goes a long way sometimes!

His favorite thing to do was play with pieces of straw from the hay bails. He had one in his hand everywhere he went.

He also enjoyed talking with the donkeys. He said, "Hey, horsies! What you doing in there?"
Since we were given til the end of the week to collect money for the Buddy Walk, I went to a few more neighbors houses tonight. It has been a great opportunity to introduce Levi to everyone and raise awareness in my own little way. Tonight two families were especially kind. One couple invited us in. Both of them held Levi and seemed to be even more interested and excited about him once I told them he has Down syndrome. It was really sweet. They gave me their phone # and encouraged me to call anytime we needed something. I am glad to know so many kind people live near us, and I am so happy to know my neighbors.

1 comment :

Leah said...

Fun times at the patch! Can't wait to take my kids, too! :)