Thursday, September 9, 2010

Just some random-ness before I go to bed...

How stinkin' cute is this?!?!

I had the camera on the wrong setting, so it is a little blurry, but I'm so happy to have captured this sweet moment before Adam started smiling, turning his head, and saying, "Cheese...cheese" for the camera.

Oh, I should have already gone to bed, but sweet little Levi is resting like a sack of flour on my shoulder. I'm not ready to let go of him. It's hard to believe just a few months ago, I was afraid of him. Now I can't imagine life without him.


Wes said...

For the record I was not asleep, I just closed my eyes so the picture would be better.

Leah said...

:) Cute pictures! I LOVE cameras, don't you?