Sunday, July 4, 2010

Yesterday, Adam & I went to a fun family get-together for the 4th of July. He loved the enormous sandbox. I think his other favorite part was the cake he got to eat for dessert. I enjoyed visiting with everyone, just wished Wes & Levi could have been there with us. I loved watching Adam play. He got to ride on one of those battery operated little cars and had me cracking up. He'd only push the button for a second or two at a time. He kept looking behind him, like someone was back there pushing him, and he had this wonderful, open-mouthed smile. So much of life is more fun now that I have this little guy. Without him, I would have been sitting around and talking, which is fine, but I felt so much more joy being out in the yard watching Adam experience something new. He is such a joy!

I can't get enough of Levi lately. I never want to lay him down. He was really alert today. When we lay him on our shoulders to burp him, he works so hard to lift his little head up. Then it bobbles around for a few seconds before he gets back into his burping position. His eyes are so big and deep that I just want to stare into them all the time. He seems to be interested in what is going on around him and gave his daddy a big gummy smile today! I can't believe he is over 5 weeks old all ready. All of these changes and stages of growth just fly past us. I want to take in as much as I can each step of the way.

Speaking of Levi, time to feed him again! Here are some pictures from yesterday...

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